
rating: 0+x


by leiger

This design is a basic Dial with some nice detail to it. It includes a Photoshop .PSD with well organized grouped layers. It is in vector format, so you can re-scale it to any size if needed.

If you need to re-scale this and the scratches are a bit too blurry. Then to create a new set of scratches you will have to add a vector mask to the top knob layer, then add some noise, then do a radial blur to 27, have it at best, and make the radial blur spin. This will get you to create some nice detailed scratches.

- Re-sale and or redistribution is forbidden.

- If this is used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.

- Enjoy :D

File Information:

License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Type of Design: Web Element
Layerd?: Yes
Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS5
Dimensions in Pixels: 325x350

Color Palette:

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