Popular Pages And Job Posts
This blog post is about some updates on IconDeposit because it's been a while since our last blog post. First things first, we've updated the site to have a Popular Posts page in all major categories, as well as add an extra navigation bar below the breadcrumb navigation, that displays the Popular posts of the current category or page as well as, Recent Posts, Members of the site, Designers that have uploaded something before as well as an Upload link. This will give everyone a chance to get seen on the site and it should make it a little easier to navigate throughout the site.
Our next step is to add a Job section on the site. Yes, we will be charging per Job post listing on our site, however it shouldn't be too expensive. Each Job post will stay up on the Job Category for 30 days and you will get to display your Job post to over 500,000 single viewers each month. We plan on releasing this part of the site next month. So we will update everyone when this happends.
We even plan on releasing and IconDeposit store, so people can purchase top notch quality designs, stock photography, vector work, icons and more! This should be released before Christmas!
Follow us on Twitter to stay updated on the newest releases.
30 Jul 2012 22:48
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CEO of Icon Deposit
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Not bad at all)
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